Instagram Post Ideas You Should Steal if You Want to Double Your Followers

Instagram Post Ideas You Should Steal if You Want to Double Your Followers

3 quick tips you should be implementing on your Instagram to increase following!

#1 Carousel memes

We all love those hilarious, relatable, double-tapping provoking memes that we want to share with someone! Just posting a meme won't double your following. Think about it first. Is it funny to you, your friend? Make sure your post resonates with people. 

#2 Giveaways! 

Probably your entire lifespan being on Instagram you have seen giveaways from celebrities and businesses. Where you have people comment, share, or tag someone to increase your following and engagement. Now realistically, some of those people will unfollow after they don't win the giveaway, but if you have genuinely good content they may just think, "oh okay I am going to keep following this account"

#3 This or That / something with a question or comparison. 

Thought nurturing posts that gets the juices flowing! Today, as a social media manager when I was doing engagement for one of my clients someone asked a question, "Have you ever thought about getting a metal roof?" and I answered in my mind, "I don't know, I don't think I have!" 

So, it is beneficial to use questions and aim to do it in a creative way that makes people feel engaged and drawn to your page.